Frequently Asked Questions
Question: When I start to caulk, sometimes it wants to come out all at once or leak out the end of the caulking tube. Why does this happen? Is there a way to prevent this?
The reason caulking sometimes leaks out is that when you pierced the seal you didn’t create the right size hole for the type of caulking you’re using causing pressure to build up in the tube. The pressure created in the caulking tube causes the caulking to leak out of the tube with force. The Piercing Point comes in four different sizes allowing you to create the right size hole for the type of caulking your using thus eliminating pressure in the tube.
Question: Is there a way to keep caulking from leaking out of the nozzle during intermittent use?
Yes. Piercing Points come in four different sizes that create an automatic seal in the caulking tube nozzle for the many different types of caulking. When using bonding or adhesive caulking for an extended period of intermittent use, you have to lubricate the Piercing Point shaft. (Motor oil or a penetrating lubricant works great).
Note: The lubricant must be compatible with the caulking you’re using and the fit around the shaft must be a snug fit not forced or too tight!
Question: Is there a tool I can use that works the way it should and is easy to find, because I keep losing my Gutter spike, nail, screw, and/or wire that I’ve been using?
Yes. Piercing Points come in five bright colors, also it is easily identifiable as a tool and won’t be mistakenly thrown away.
Question: Sometimes when I caulk I only use a partial tube of caulking. Throwing away a partially used tube is getting really expensive. Also, drilling out the nozzle is a big waste of time and a real hassle to do. Is there a way I can prevent the caulking from drying out in the nozzle?
Yes. Piercing Points come in four different sizes that can accommodate many different types of caulking. Simply take the right size Piercing Point tool for the type of caulking you’re using and heavily lubricate the entire shaft of the Piercing Point (Motor oil or a penetrating lubricant work great).
Note: The lubricate must be compatible with the type of caulking you’re using. Then insert the Piercing Point shaft into the caulking tube nozzle making sure the fit is snug not forced or to tight. Some caulking have a shelf life of a year or more.
Question: As a contractor, I’ve used many different objects to pierce the seal of my caulking cartridge tubes. Anything ranging from a nail, screw, gutter spike, piece of wire, my Phillip screw driver, or a customer’s ice pick. None of these objects work properly or make me look like the pro I am. What tool is there I can use to solve this problem?
You shouldn’t be looking for a tool you should already have. Piercing Points is caulking done right and will make you look like the pro you are so GET THE POINT!